Day 3

Huy Kang Kim, Professor
Korea University


2017.11- Present: Co-Founder, AI Spera
2010.3-Present: Full Professor, Korea University
2004.5-2010.2: Head of Information Security Dept., NCSOFT
1999.8-2004.4: Founder, A3 Security
Cyber Threat Trends and Response Strategy
Hong Seok Kim, Manager
Korea Internet & Security Agency (KISA)


2010-Present Digital Threat Response & Analysis Division, Korea Internet & Security Agency


In a situation where cyberattacks are becoming commonplace and intelligent, infringement accidents such as account leakage, ransomware malicious code distribution, and spear phishing continue to occur. The attacker who caused such an infringement accident is attempting to invade with an organized and planned intention. I would like to look at recent cyber threat trends and infringement incidents, and tell you how to respond to them.
Follow the Money in the Hacking World
Marianne Bender, Senior Public Prosecutor


Senior Public Prosecutor, Specialized in investigation and prosecution of cryptocurrency cases.


The speech highlights the importance of tracing cryptocurrency and that countries cooperate closely.
Il-Seok Oh, Research Fellow
Institute for National Security Strategy (INSS)


Dr. OH, Il-seok is a research fellow of ‘the Institute for National Security Strategy(INSS)’ which is a think-tank funded by Korean government. He has also served as a vice-president of ‘the Korean Academy of Space Security(KASS).’ As an expert in emerging security issues, he has published many articles and notes on ‘Space Security’, ‘Cybersecurity’, ‘Energy Security’ and ‘Emerging Technology’ Laws and Policies. He had worked at ‘the National Security Research Institute(NSRI) in the Electronics and Technology Research Institute(ETRI) for 5 years as a senior researcher. He graduated from Korea University with his Ph.D in Law. He also received his L.L.M. from the Northwestern University School of Law at Chicago in the United States of America.
Space Cybersecurity Trends
Jae-Cheol Ryou, Professor
Chungnam National University


2023-Present Non-Executive Director, Korea Internet & Security Agency
1991–Present Professor, Chungnam National University
2018–2022 Non-Executive Director, Korea Communications Agency
2021–2021 President, Korea Institute of Information Security and Cryptology


As hackers' interests in space industry growing, cybersecurity in space is becoming more important. The United States has been proposing various measures to protect space assets since announcing the Space Cybersecurity Policy (SPD-5) in 2020, while Japan has also announced space system security guidelines and is carrying out full-scale cybersecurity enhancement projects. In Korea, the Space Asset Cybersecurity Council was launched in June of this year and is working with National Intelligence Service, Ministry of National Defense, and Korea AeroSpace Administration to develop an integrated satellite cyber threat response roadmap.
In this presentation, we will introduce the current status of space development, as well as recent issues related to cybersecurity.
Trends and Issues on the Space & Cyber Security International Norms
Joonkoo Yoo, Chief Executive Director
Emerging Technology Security Institute


2024-Present Chief Executive Director, Emerging Technology Security Institute
2017-Present Inviting Professor of GSIS Yonsei University
2011-2024 Research Professor of KNDA
2015-Present A member of advisory committe of MOFA, MOTIE, MOD
2010-2011 Deputy Director of Presidential Office of G20 Seoul Summit


With a rapid development of the space domain and space assets, the safety and security concerns on the space has been also magnifying. In addition, due to the interplay with cyber and space infrastructure, space security issues are closely related into cybersecurity. In this situation, the international norms of the space have been evolving and diversified. The international norms of the cyber security are overlapped and linked with space security norms. During the session discussion, we will examine characteristics and pending issues of the space-cyber international norms and finally explore the future expectation and policy implications.
Sokjoon Lee, Professor
Gachon University


2022-Present: Associate Professor in Dept. of Computer Engineering (Smart Security), Gachon University
2022-Present: Director at the Korea Institute of Information Security & Cryptology
2022-Present Section Chief for Policy/System Committee in Korea Zero Trust Forum
2000-2022: Principal Researcher in Information Security Research Division, Electronics and Telecommunication Research Institute (ETRI)
2010-2019: Ph.D. in school of Computing, KAIST
Trends in ZT Technologies and Policies
Heung Youl YOUM, Emeritus Professor
Soonchunhyang University


Dr. Heung Youl Youm has been working at Sunchunhyang University since 1990 and has worked for Department of information security engineering as a Professor since 2001. He had served as a commissioner of the Personal Information Protection Commission from August 5, 2020 to August 4, 2023. He has been the Chair of ITU-T SG17 (security) since 2017. He also served as the President for the Korea Institute on Information Security and Cryptology (KIISC) in 2022 and has since become its Honorary President. His main interests are cybersecurity and privacy policies and technologies including 6G security, zero trust technology, IoT security, etc, especially international standardization of these technologies. He was a senior research staff at the Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute of Korea (Republic of) from 1982 to 1990. He received his B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degree from the Department of Electronics Engineering at Hanyang University.


A zero Trust is a new security paradigm that requires information systems to be implemented with the principle of “never trust, always verify”. This presentation will introduce the concept of Zero Trust security technology and present policy trends in major countries. It will also present standardization trends in major standardization organizations.
Zero-Trust Use Case Using Microsoft’s Architecture and Technology
Jong-Whoi Shin, Customer Security Officer
Microsoft Korea


2024.5-Present Microsoft, Customer Security Officer
2019.3-2024.5 NCSOFT CISO, Head of Information Security Center
2016-2019 Amazon Web Services, Security Assurance Lead
2012-2016 Microsoft Korea, National Security Officer
2002-2012 KISA (Korea Internet & Security Agency) Team leader
Korea University, Computer Science, Ph.D


In the AI era, intelligent cyber-attacks are rapidly increasing, but many companies are still conducting security management relying on a network perimeter security model that separates the internal network and the Internet network for protecting IT assets. As a result, there are many difficulties in security management in linking with external IT environments such as home/remote work environments or establishing third party collaboration systems, as well as in responding to the increased use of cloud and the demand for productivity improvement using AI. Therefore, in this session, we will look at the Zero-Trust, a new security paradigm and trust-based security model, to overcome the limitations of security management based on network perimeter model and present implementation use case using Microsoft's Zero-Trust architecture and technology.
John Hyung-Jong Kim, Professor
Seoul Women’s University


2007-Present Professor, Seoul Women’s University
2004-2006 Visiting Researcher, CMU CyLab, Pittsburgh, PA
2001-2007 Principle Researcher of Korea Information Security Agency (KISA)
Security Strategy for Secure Cloud Services
Soo Bok Wi, Senior Manager
NHN Cloud


2021 – Present Cloud Security Architect and Product Manager, NHN Cloud
2006 - 2021 Security Solutions and Managed Security Service Lead, AhnLab


It highlights the importance of cloud adoption as a key strategy for implementing digital government and the security strategies that support it. The content presents essential security principles to consider in cloud design and provides real-world examples to guide the development of a secure cloud infrastructure.
Key Content
• Fundamental Principles of Security Design
- Account and Authorization Management
- Separation of Cloud Areas
- Segmented Network Design
- Continuous Security Audits
- Network and Application Protection
- Data Protection
Towards Sovereign Clouds with Confidential Computing
Byoungyoung Lee, Associate Professor
Seoul National University


2018-Present Seoul National University (SNU) ECE, Associate Professor
2016-2018 Purdue CS, Assistant Professor
2016 Georgia Tech CS, Ph.D.


With the rise of AI techniques, securely managing, computing, and sharing data has become crucial for maintaining sovereign clouds. In this context, confidential computing has attracted significant attention from the systems and cloud community, offering robust security assurances with only moderate performance overheads. This talk will introduce the fundamental concepts of confidential computing and explore various solutions provided by CPU vendors (such as Intel SGX, Intel TDX, AMD SEV, and ARM CCA), public cloud providers (e.g., Microsoft Azure's and Google Cloud's confidential computing services), and service vendors (e.g., Apple’s Private Cloud Compute).
Sang-Wook Han, Director
Korea Institute of Science and Technology


2024. 05 – Present President of Quantum Information Society of Korea
2019. 01 – Present Director of Center for Quantum Technology of KIST
Current Status of Quantum Computing Technology
Yonuk Chong, Professor
SungKyunKwan University


2020-current : Director, Quantum Information Research Support Center (QCenter)
2020-current : Full Professor, Dept. of Nano Engineering, SKKU
2005-2020 : Research Staff, Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science
2002-2005 : Postdoctoral Researcher, NIST Boulder, US


We have evidenced amazing advances in the development of quantum computing technology for the last three decades. Small-scale quantum computer hardware is already provided by the global tech giants, and many companies are doing research on the utilization of the quantum computers in order to prepare for the future. The current quantum computing technology is entering a utility-level scale, with possible practical applications. I will introduce the current status of the up-to-date quantum computing technology development in this talk.
Migration to PQC: Technologies and Trends
Jihoon Cho, Vice President
Samsung SDS


2018-Present: Director (VP), Security Research Team, Samsung SDS
2013-2018: Project Manager of Security and Privacy Research, Samsung SDS
2009-2013: Mobile Security Architect, LG Electronics,
2004-2009: MSc & PhD in Information Security, Royal Holloway University of London
2002-2004: M.Math (Cryptography), University of Waterloo


Quantum computers are expected to break conventional public key cryptography once they reach a certain level of performance. As a result, there have been efforts to standardize post-quantum cryptography (PQC), which offers resistance against attacks enabled by quantum computers. However, considering the widespread use of cryptography in Enterprise IT, transitioning to PQC from conventional public key cryptography is not a drop-in replacement at al. In this talk, Jihoon will share his insights and experience while participating in the 'Migration to PQC' project of NIST NCCoE.
Chang Hoon Kim, Professor
Daegu University


Professor in the Department of Information Security at Daegu University Director of the Information Security Gifted Education Institute, the Yeongnam Region,The Ministry of Education, South Korea Team Leader of the Task Force on Multi-Level Security System Design Technology, The National Intelligence Service, South Korea
KT, Technology for Safety of UAM Operation
Hoseok Seo, Team Leader


2022-Present KT, Service Tech Lab. UAM Project
2017–2022 KT, Convergence Lab, Smart Mobility Project


This presentation introduces KT's traffic management and communication technologies for the safe operation of UAM, along with the progress of the K-UAM Grand Challenge Phase 1 demonstration project. It also discusses the security considerations and presents technical solutions to ensure the stability and reliability of UAM.
Cybersecurity in Autonomous Ship
Kaemyoung Park, General Manager
Korean Register


2009-Present : General Manager of Cyber Certification Team , Korean Register
2001~2008 : Manager, Korean Air Aviation Technology Research Institute


This presentation introduces the current state of concepts and technologies related to autonomous ship, as well as the current state of cybersecurity and technology in the maritime industry. As ships increasingly adopt ICT technology, they are becoming more autonomous. In response, we propose measures to enhance ship cybersecurity. Specifically, we will explore risk assessment approaches for introducing new ship technologies and examine cybersecurity risk assessment models suitable for autonomous ships.